Laser Tattoo Removal Plans for IPO,0,770184.story?page=1

Why would anyone want to cover up tattoos? The Beverly Hills based laser tattoo removal clinic Dr TATTOFF released an article earlier today discussing upcoming IPO plans for 2010. Stating revenues in the multi-million dollar range, John Keefe, Dr. Tattoff’s chief executive estimated that tattoo removal could become a $10-billion-a-year industry. Keefe goes on to say “Tattoos are becoming more common in the workplace and in society, my suspicion is that along with that, the tattoo regret factor will only grow as people get older.” Dr TATTOFF currently has three Southern California locations and said they hope to open an additional five locations outside of California by the end of the year.

One response to “Laser Tattoo Removal Plans for IPO”

  1. Luigi says:

    Speriamo che il Dr Will Kirby aprirà presto una sede di laser rimozione tatuaggi in Italia (visto che è nato a Firenze) o almeno in qualche grande città europea. Tantissime persone andrebbero da lui visto il successo che sta avendo.

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